Hostgator promo codes Froufrou Postcards: November 2013


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I'm Back! (Send a postcard, Get a Postcard FREE)

Hey all - I'm BACK!

I love to learn about other cultures, their religions and their history. I also love postcards and have decided to combine the two. If anyone would like to send me a postcard, I will happily post the front picture and snip its of the message on this blog. I am hoping to collect at least 100 postcards by this time (November) in 2014. This project will also hopefully help to create a better understanding of others. Feel free to send a handmade or store-bought postcard!

Here's the catch that makes this blog different from others; to have your postcard posted on this blog, you have to have at least one of these topics on your postcard please:

~ Something that you believe makes you stand out from others (in a good way :))

~ Your beliefs (religion, philosophy of life, etc.)

~ The history of your town or city

~ Your favorite bit of history about your country

~ A unique holiday or celebration in your culture

~ A popular/trendy product right now in your country

The reason for these topics are to allow others to learn about where you are from and to help create a better understanding of other countries and cultures. I hope they will help you if you are stuck, too! Please feel free to write about yourself or anything else as well! Also, please include "Froufrou postcards" somewhere on the postcard. (Or I won't know where it's from.) Please note that your name or address will NOT be shared on my blog at any point.. so don't worry :)

If anyone is interested or have any questions please email me at:


Comment below


If you would like to see YOUR postcard on this blog (AND TO RECEIVE ONE IN RETURN), please mail a postcard with your return address, the phrase "Frou Frou Postcards" AND THE ABOVE CRITERIA to:

E. Sweet
477 Fergo Avenue,
Mississauga, ON

Your postcard will be on here within a few days - YAY! You will also receive a snazzy postcard in return with thanks. <3